Volunteering Opportunities

BA Giving Latest Volunteering Opportunities


Interested in making a difference? Here are all the latest volunteering opportunities with our charities.

Action for Singapore Dogs – volunteers needed for dog walking, event organising and also to help rescue, rehome or foster the dogs. See their website for further details: https://www.asdsingapore.com/volunteer 

Its Raining Raincoats - have an initiative called MADWISH, Make A Difference (MAD) While I Stay at Home (WISH) allows Singapore residents and migrant workers to connect via virtual English teaching sessions. Volunteers are also needed to collect unsold food for Starbucks and distribute them to the workers; donate preloved items they accept menswear and shoes, household appliances (kettles, rice cookers, blenders, washing machines, refrigerator etc.), bicycles and single bed mattresses, as well as recreational items such as board games or basketballs. The donated items are taken to the InspIRRe 'shop' where volunteers are needed to help take in donations and aid migrant workers when they visit the free shop. All contact is via email at admin@itsrainingraincoats.com 

Riding for the Disabled (RDA Singapore) – needs volunteers to assist in the sessions as a side walker, horse leader or coordinator. Helping out with barn work like stable maintenance which includes clearing & mucking out stables for our therapy horses, scrubbing out horse resting mats & corridors, grounds keeping and so on (Typically for one-time group volunteering). Fundraising, marketing, events, photography, administrative work and videography also requires volunteers. Contact for more information at mail@rdasingapore.org.sg or call +65 6250 0176 

Salvation Army – in Singapore the SA work with children, the elderly, migrant workers and prison support services. They have volunteering opportunities available in all areas. They have a page on their website with up to date opportunities that you can sign up to: https://www.givlly.com/tsa/volunteer_register 

HCA Hospice Care – has volunteering opportunities in their hospices. They have an event coming up in November. HCA Walkathon 19/11/23 Marina barrage 7.30am. $30 fee with an event pack supplied. Contact for volunteering at mathilda@hcahospicecare.org.sg or call +65 8168 7751 


You can also visit the SG Cares website, which has a directory of volunteering opportunities with a wide range of Singaporean charities http://www.sgcares.org

For more information please contact us at  charities@britishassociation.org.sg